D&D Solo Adventures
Tanglewood Temple Ruins - Main Hall (Level 2)
Room Layout
Room Description
Climbing up from the stairwell trap door, you stand in a room with bone fragments scattered everywhere. As the trap door slams down with a thud, you hear hissing from around the corner of the room.
Last Action Taken
You ascended the stairwell and climbed up through the trap door to arrive on the 2nd level of the temple ruins.
2 x Kobold Slingers (page 167 MM 4e)
1) There is a pit between you and the Kobolds. View 'False-Floor Pit' in the DMG 4e page 87. The difference is, this one has already been activated. You can jump the pit to get across. Details for jumping the pit are also on page 87 of the DMG 4e.
2) Before starting combat, make a perception check for each character:
Object (2) result
Object (1) False floor pit (already activated)
After Combat
Search the Kobolds bodies
1) An Exposed Pit
2) A Lever
3) A wooden door
4) Wooden Double Doors
5) A Trap Door
Choose a root action
1) Examine object(1) 
2) Examine Object(2) 
3) Examine Object(3) 
a) Listen check on object (3) Result
i) Search for trap on object(3) Result
ii) Disable trap on object(3) Result
i) Unlock object(3) Result
i) Bash object(3) Result
4) Examine Object(4) 
a) Listen check on object (3) Result
i) Search for trap on object(3) Result
ii) Disable trap on object(3) Result
i) Unlock object(3) Result
i) Bash object(3) Result
5) Return to Stairwell Level 1 via the trap door
Choose the result of your chooses above: