D&D Solo Adventures

Stonebreak Outpost - Indoors

Last Action Taken

You have left the temple ruins and returned to Commander Ironfist.



You return to the keep, and bid passage into the courtyard from the guards. The guards allow you to pass. You find the commander standing inside a candlelit room infront of a table with a schematic of the keep sprawled out on the table top.

Dialogue: You say "Commander we have returned. We found an old abandoned portal exit inside Tanglewood ruins, with which we have deactivated."

Commander Ironfist responds with solemnity: "Well done adventures...I can not express my thanks enough. Take this reward for your efforts. Your help has been worth every penny. Now, i can focus back on the eastern side of the fort. We have much to do! Please visit my blacksmith, over the opposite side of the court. Give him this note from me."

Side quest complete!

Tanglewood Temple Ruins


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