D&D Solo Adventures
The Crypt - Room 4
Last Action Taken
You failed a listen check at the last door (south).
Room Layout
Download: The Crypt - Passage of Rite Printable Map
You are standing at one end of a corridore that branchs off to the left and right. A Wolf Skeleton (Monster manual 3.5 page 226) paces up and down the corriedore. The Wolf Skeleton turns towards you and prepares to attack.
Gametip: If you find that the dungeon is too difficult on your own, or that you need a rogue for the skill checks, re-enter the dungeon with a 2 characters, or play with a friend.
(a) Wolf Skeleton
Roll d6 the determine the location of the Wolf Skeleton (refer to map).
After you have defeated the wolf skeleton view:
(1) Faint tracks on the stone tiles
(2) Collapsed corridore roof
(3) Reinforced wooden door
Choose a root action
1) Examine object (1): ![](../../graphics/event.png)
2) Examine object (2): ![](../../graphics/event.png)
a) Search object(2) for more information (no skill requirement - search skill check): Result
3) Examine object (3): ![](../../graphics/event.png)
i) Search for trap on door(1) (no skill requirement - search skill check): Result
ii) Disable trap on door(1) (Skill requirement: Disable Device): Result
b) Unlock door: (Skill requirement: Unlock) Result
c) Bash door (no skill requirement - strenght check) Result
4) Detect Magic: ![](../../graphics/Detect_magic.png)
5) Return to the Preparation Chamber
Choose the result of your chooses above:
Identify Items
To indentify any unidentified items, go to this page