D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Mountain

You have been spotted attempting to sneak past the orcish army.

Terrain Layout


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Area Description

The grounds here are fertile. Large clumps of tall grass dot the landscape. To your right you see the dense vegatation of Tanglewood forest that you now recognise..

Also to your right you see, a large group of red flowers. In the dark of night, the flowers radiate light like candles.




a) Orc Eye of Gruumsh (MM pg 204
b) Orc Raider (MM pg 203)
c) Orc Drudge (MM pg 203)
d) Orc Drudge (MM pg 203)
e) Orc Drudge (MM pg 203)


The Orc Eye of Gruumsh perfers to attack from long range, sending his minions and raider in to fight the PC's.

An Orc Drugde's attention is drawn to the sound of combat every 3 rounds. Place a new orc drudge on the tile containing enemy (e). Repeat to a maximum of 3 extra Orc Drudges.

Grass: The grass is incredibly thick and is considered difficult terrain (see combat map)

gametipGametip: If you are DM'ing this campaign you could make the PC's roll arcana checks on the wild candleflower's in the field before they know what the flowers do..

Wild Candleflower: These magical wildflowers enchance attacks with the fire keyword. +1 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls for any skill that has the 'fire' keyword whilst standing on a Wild Candleflower Square. Squares containing both red and difficult terrain (2 triangles) on the combat map are both difficult terrain and enchanted.

After Combat

Search the bodies

gametipGametip: If you are DM'ing this campaign you could make the PC's roll arcana checks on the potion before they can identify what it is. Otherwise they will have to drink it and hope for the best



Continue your quest

Travel towards Whitebirch Fortress