D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Ruins

Campaign Ending - Failure

You fall for what seems an eternity, until your vision and senses fade completely into dark. The distress and fear of falling never leaves you.

You are continuely bombarded with visions of Dragonshore aflame. The villages being dragged out of the town. Horrific scenes of carnage and bloodshed. Dragonshore is lost. You have failed your quest.

But...you still are thinking...your mind is still intact...so you must still be somewhere...

The sensation of falling stops abruptly.

You feel as though you are lying on a cold hard surface.

You hear...voices. It is difficult to tell what exactly it is they are saying. You catch small phrases in the occastionally from within the monotonous drone:
"..move him..."
"..dangerous, who knows what this..."
"..be taken by The Weepers..."

All of a sudden you feel you are being dragged by your feet. The dragging stops after a short distance.

The constant swirling of speech has sharpened and you can begin to distingish individual voices. There are numerous people standing around you speaking at once:
"Who is he?"
"where did he come from!?"
"No one saw, he just appeared on the ground!"

You open your eyes, and you hear the crowd gasp. Your vision is very blurry. A circle of long dark sillouhettes surrounds your vision.

Your sight begins to sharpen, and you see faces staring down at you. Their eyes are solid black and are deeply recessed inside their faces. The environment is dark and thick, and gives the people an old and twisted look. You shiver at this sight.

The sun sits in the sky behind the faces of the people. It is black with slim waving tendril arms streching across the sky. You stand to your feet ubruptly.

You look around at the landscape and see a very unfamiliar place. The landscape and all the people are colorless, dark grey and black paints the view before you. The entire land is covered by huge talon shaped rocks pedruding out from the ground and towering over head. In the distance you see a spire on the horizon, covered in clusters of obisidian spikes and rising high up into the sky.

The people all continue to look at you startled, then two of them speak nervously.
"Whats happened to his eyes!?"
"I have never seen such a thing!!"
They whisper to each other.
You say: "My eyes? What are you talking about! Who or...WHAT are you people?!!!"

The crowd goes silent, still looking at you in shock. A figure picks up your shield and walks over to you. He holds it up to you like a mirror and says: "Prehaps you could tell us, who YOU are?"

You look in the mirror and see your reflection. Your image looks, just like everyone elses, awash of any color and stretched, giving your face a sadened look. However, your eyes look very different. Your pupils radiate streams of white frosted light like smoke, giving your face an ethereal and transcendant appearance...

A women in the crowd steps forward, a look of hope briefly washes over her face. she asks:

"Have you been sent here to avenge us?"

The crowd waits for your answer in anticipation.

Still looking in astonishment at your reflection in the shield, you respond absently:

"....where am i..."

Congratulations! You have completed the Dragonshore Campaign!

Thank you for playing through this campaign. I hope you have enjoyed your time playing. I always enjoy reading players thoughts and suggestions about the campaign, please feel free to email me!

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Congratulations and all the best!