D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Ruins

Campaign Ending - Success

Although, only minutes have passed, you feel as though you have fallen through an eternity of shadow. The last remaining embers of your physical conscience slowly fade away.

You realize, with that last, dying thread of your awareness that there is someone else nearby, they are descending the stairs behind you and entering the basement. A moment later, you feel Zhalathian's grasp loosen slightly as he too acknowledges the mysterious figures presence. Part of your vision returns to you and Zhalathian momentarily ceases his whispering. You feel, to some small degree, apart of the room again; your weapon lying on the ground in front of you, the coldness of the room, the mass of black brooding in front of you. You turn around to see a figure standing in the doorway; a long grey beard flows from inside the man’s long cloak.

You hear zhalathian assault the figure with a string of maddening whispers: “What fool would enter my lair. Come! Join this man’s doom! You will both descent eternally into the void”

The unknown figure seems unaffected by Zhalathian's physic influence and continues to walk towards the door-archway and enters the room.

The figure folds back the hood from its cloak, and although your mind is still in a tag of war battle with Zhalathian you know you’ve seen this person before.

With startling speed, Olohand produces a gleaming silver sword from under his cloak and holds it up in front of him in a gesture of greatness; the tip almost touching the ceiling. His voice echoes in the chamber as he recites a magical phrase. The sword glows brightly. Almost instantly the corridor is filled with a torrent of golden light that makes the room feel like it is bathed in rays of summer sunshine. You feel the warmth of the rays on your face.

Zhalathian crys out as the light surrounds him severing the tendril grasping your psyche; your wits returning instantly, as though waking from a nightmare.
Olohand shouts to you: “Now’s our chance! Use the Dreamshard!”

You grasp the Dreamshard from inside your pocket. Leaping forward, you plunge the shard into the mass of swirling shadows in front of you. Zhalathian screams in pain, as to your surprise, the crystal lodges itself firmly into Zhalathian’s insubstantial body. Fingers of shadow begin to creep over the surface of the crystal, and the cruel being begins to implode into the interior of the shard.

With a final ear-piercing scream, all of Zhalathians voices cry out in unison as the master of shadow flows into the crystal, becoming fully trapped inside the shard. The beautiful prismatic shard turns to the color of charcoal and falls to the ground.

You turn to face Olohand.

Olohand: “My apologies for my late arrival. I can’t get around as quickly as I used to. Oh…I couldn’t let you face zhalathian on your own…” Olohand says with a smile.

He carefully walks forward, sheathing his sword.

Olohand: "You have shown your courage in the face of pure darkness. You know, the reward for such heroism extends beyond gold, or trinkets. Your deeds are who you are. Your reputation. And your legacy.”

Olohand smiles at you fondly: “You remind me of a person I once knew…many years ago….”

After a brief pause, Olohand remembers the shard, fallen on the floor amongst a pile of rubble.

He walks over and picks up the shard and the amulet on Danaths body.

Olohand: “I will dispose of these.”

Olohand walks through the path in the wall to Zhalathian's lair. You watch Olohand walk into the distance. With a flash of white light and the sound of breaking glass echoing down the cavern passage, you feel alleviated as Zhalathian is banished from your world.

Olohand returns from the cavern passage and you both leave the ruins to return home to Dragonshore.

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