D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Ruins

You have successfully disabled the lock on whitebirch fortresses main doors.

Terrain Layout


Area Description

Another strong gust of wind blows through the fortress entrance way and slams the doors shut behind you. The room has a thick layer of dust on the floor that is disturbed by the wind. The moonlight floods through the great arch windows that flank both sides of this room. In the dead silence of the fortress you think you can hear whispers but they are so faint it is hard to tell what they are saying, or whether you are just imagining them.



1) A broken tile
2) Footprints
3) Doors leading to the exterior of Whitebirch Fortress
4) A wooden door

Choose an action:

1) Examine the broken tile:

2) Examine the footprints:

Examine the wall closelyl: (Roll Dice) Result

Push the wall: (Roll Dice) Result

3) Examine the wooden door:

4) Leave Whitebirch Fortress - It is unsafe to leave the fortress at this time.


Result 1

Result 2