D&D Solo Adventures
Whitebirch Ruins
If you have entered from the outdoors (the fortress courtyard) read the follow:
There are a number of crates inside the room. The crates are all waist height. The room is very dark. If you have entered this room from the outdoors, place your miniatures on the 3 tiles on the left hand side next to (3). Otherwise place your miniatures adjacent object (2).
If you are entering this room from the left make the following check. If you are entering the room from the right hand side, the cultist are not expecting you and you automatically win a surprise round.
Make a perception check: (Roll Dice)
Terrain Layout

Gametip: This is a large map. Right click and save to your PC to view in full resolution
a) Human Bandit (MM pg 162)
b) Crimson Acolyte (MM pg 210)
c) Human Lackey (MM pg 162)
d) Human Lackey (MM pg 162)
The Crimson Acolyte leads the group. The Crimson Acolyte and Human Lackeys fight to the death. Not matter which side of the room the PC's enter, the Crimson Acolyte and Human Lackeys will try to stop the players from attacking the Human bandit. The Human Bandit will try to stay on the opposite side of the crates to the PC's, where it will throw its 4 daggers before engaging the PC's with its melee attack. If confronted, the Bandit will use its melee attack.
The Crates are only waist height. They offer cover. A PC can consider can make a DC10 athelics check to get ontop of a crate where it can walk across adjacent crates as normal. Each time a player or enemy must climb up onto a crate, it must make the check.
After Combat
Search the bodies
1) Wooden Crates.
2) A Braced Wooden Door
3) A collapsed wall leading to the fort courtyard.