D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Mountain

You have been spotted at the top of your ascension of whitebirch mountain or failed to pass the skeleton patrols

Terrain Layout


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Area Description

The ground flattens out at the top of the cliff edge to a plateau. The ground is dry, dusty and barren. Cold wind chills you to the bone. There are boulders scattered everywhere. There are also large, almost unnatural looking, talon shaped obsidian rock jutting out of the ground spotted randomly all over the landscape. In the distrance to the north you see the whitebirch fortress and whitebrich village ruins. There are bones everywhere.




a) Blazing Skeleton (MM pg 234)
b) Skeleton (MM pg 234)
c) Decrepit Skeleton (MM pg 234)
d) Decrepit Skeleton (MM pg 234)
e) Decrepit Skeleton (MM pg 234)


The Minions and Skeleton attack the players head on. The Blazing Skeleton keeps its distance using its ranged attack but tries to stay within 10 squares as not to take a ranged penalty.

Rocks: You can climb ontop of a rock with a DC15 athletics check (excluding the talon shaped rocks) gaining combat advantage. Rocks are difficult terrain.

gametipGametip Skeletons can be thrown off the edge of the cliff. See PHB page 290. You will have to "push" the target instead of pull as the rules suggest.

After Combat

Search the bodies



Continue your quest

Travel towards Whitebirch Fortress