D&D Solo Adventures
Tanglewood Temple Ruins - Temple Main Hall / Cavern
Room Layout
Room Description
You have entered the temple ruins and you are standing at the bottom of a small flight of stairs leading up to a large fountain.
If you failed to bash or unlock the previous door down on first attempt read event b) otherwise read event a).
a) b)
2 x Kobold Slingers (page 167 MM 4e)
Object (1) Sacred Fountain - Any creature standing on any of the 12 squares the fountain occupies is granted a +2 bonus to attack rolls while they are positioned here. The 4 center squares of the fountain are difficult terrain.
Object (2) If you step onto either of these 2 squares you must carry out object 2's description below (in the 'explore' section)
After Combat
Search the Kobolds bodies
1) A Fountain
2) A collapsed wall
3) An old Wooden Door
4) Passage to a deeper cavern
5) A Wooden Door
Choose a root action
1) Examine object(1) 
a) Religion check on object (1): result
2) Examine Object(2)
3) Examine Object(3) 
a) Listen check on object (3) Result
i) Search for trap on object(3) Result
ii) Disable trap on object(3) Result
c) Unlock object(3) Result
d) Bash object(3) Result
4) Examine Object(4) 
5) Examine Object(5) 
6) Return to the temple entrance
Choose the result of your chooses above: