D&D Solo Adventures
Tanglewood Temple Ruins - Statue Room
Last action taken
You were either successful at listening at this door, or failed the skill check and have entered.
Room Layout
Room Description
You are standing at one end of a very small room. There is a torch behind the statue casting long shadows down the lenght of the room (you can remove this torch from the holster as a temporary light source if needed). A Kobold dragon shield is sleeping at one end of the room infront of a medium sized statue.
If you successfully listened at the door before entering you burst into the room and surprise the Kobold who is sleeping on the floor against the wall infront of the statue. Otherwise begin combat as normal.
1 x Kobold Dragonshield (page 168 MM 4e)
After Combat
Search the Kobold:
1) Blue granite statue
Choose a root action
1) Examine object(1) 
a) Search object(1) Result
2) Return to Temple room 1 level 1 - Temple Main Hall
Choose the result of your chooses above:
No results