D&D Solo Adventures
The Abandoned Mine - Entrance
Last action taken
You took the north tunnel from the last intersection
Room Layout
Download: The Abandoned Mine - Area 2 Map
Room Description
You are travelling north from the intersection. At the end of the room, there are 4 male humans tied to iron loops set into the stone wall.
1) Return to the intersection
2) A large blackened area on the stone
3) Four Hostages
4) A thick vein of quartz
Choose a root action:
1) Return to Stonebreak Mine Intersection
2) Examine Object(3) 
3) Examine Object(4) 
) Make an insight check
(Roll Dice)
b) Ungag the hostages
c) Untie the hostages
4) Examine object(5) 
a) Make a nature check:
(Roll Dice)