D&D Solo Adventures
The Abandoned Mine - Boss
Last action taken
You took the eastern passage from the intersection
Room Layout
Download: The Abandoned Mine - Area 5 Map
Room Description
You have travelled a short distance east from the intersection. Up ahead you can see a wooden table with a number of candles ontop of it. There is also a door in the distance.
a) Orc Drudge (mm 4e - pg 203)
b) Orc Raider (mm 4e - pg 203)
c) Clunk
d) Orc Drudge (mm 4e - pg 203)
Stealth - If you want to try to surprise the group, make a stealth check versus DC14. (Roll Dice)
If you are successful you can surprise the Orcs.
Clunk - Clunk is an Orc Berserker except increase his HP's to 99, AC to 17, and XP to 250. Clunk also has 1 dynamite stick he can throw at the PC's. the attack is an area blast 2 +4 vs Reflex; 1d10 + 2 ongoing fire damage (save ends) . Clunk has scars all over his body and a hand missing from experimenting with explosives and unstable concoctions. When Combat first begins, whether it be immediately or after the surprise round, Clunk points at the PC's with his remaining hand and screams "How did they make it past the guards? Take them down, or I will be feasting on your entrails as well!".
Barrel of Gunpowder (object 3) - This barrel can be ignited if the PC's have a grenade. Grenade damage is then increased to area burst 3, 3d6 + fire damage equal to your dexterity modifier, save ends.
On Clunks first turn he will throw the dynamite stick at the closest enemy. Clunk does not try to avoid his allies with this attack. The Raider will use up his handaxes before charging the PC's. The Orc Drudges will charge forward on their first turn.
After Combat
Clunk: When the PC's fell Clunk, in a pool of his own blood, Clunk splutters: "Belros will slaughter everyone you have ever known ...soon enough...." and dies.
1) Return to the intersection
2) A braced steel door
3) A wooden barrel of gunpowder
4) A table made from rail sleepers
Choose a root action:
1) Exit to Stonebreak Mine Intersection
2) Examine Object(2) 
a) Listen check on object (3)
(Roll Dice)
i) Search for trap on object(3)
(Roll Dice)
ii) Disable trap on object(3)
(Roll Dice)
c) Unlock object(3)
(Roll Dice)
d) Bash object(3)
(Roll Dice)
3) Examine Object(3)