D&D Solo Adventures
The Crypt - Preparation Chamber
Last Action Taken
You have either unsuccessfully unlocked or bashed the last door down on first attempt.
Room Layout
Download: The Crypt - Preparation Room Printable Map
You enter a large open room scattered with small planks of wood and half assembled rotting coffins.
Gametip: Some rooms have conditions, that require the player to perform certain actions or events are triggered by a particular action or decision a player makes. These conditions are explained before you start deciding what you want to do in room, as with the following example:
View the options in the explore list below and make a selection, for instance, if you decide to examine door(1) move your character one square at a time across the board from the your start location across to door(1) to examine it. Roll a DC spot check for each player after each players turn (for instance, after a player has moved). If the result is higher then DC16 read the events in this order 1) and then 2). If you fail 3 times in a row read event 3) then 2).
If you cross the orange line before either of these 2 events, you must also read the events in that order: 3) then 2)
Note: Players may leave the room without any of the conditions being met.
Gametip: If you return to a room that you have already been through, ignore the options that you have already completed, like encounters, unlocking doors, etc.
(1) A wooden door
(2) A wooden door
(3) A pile of bones
(4) An Urn ontop of a stone pedestial
Choose a root action:
1) Examine Door(1): 
a) Listen at Door(1): (no skill requirement - Listen Skill check) Result
i) Search for trap on door(1) (no skill requirement - search skill check): Result
ii) Disable trap on door(1) (Disable Device Skill):
c) Open door(1):
2) Examine Door(2): 
a) Listen at Door(1): (no skill requirement - Listen Skill check) Result
i) Search for trap on door(2) (no skill requirement - search skill check): Result
ii) Disable trap on door(2) (Disable Device Skill): Result
i) Unlock door: (Skill requirement - Unlock) Result
ii) Bash door (no skill requirement - strenght check) Result
3) Examine Object (3): 
a) Search Object(3): result
4) Examine Object (4): 
a) Search Object (4): result
b) Pick up Object(4):
c) Throw Object(4):
5) Detect Magic: 
Choose the result of your chooses above:
Identify Items:
To indentify any unidentified items, go to this page