D&D Solo Adventures

The Crypt (4e Version) - Passage of Rite

Last Action Taken

You failed a perception / listen check at the last door (south).

Room Layout

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You are standing at one end of a corridore that branchs off to the left and right. A Gravehound (Monster manual 4e page 274) paces up and down the corriedore. The Gravehound turns towards you and prepares to attack.

noteGametip: If you find that the dungeon is too difficult using only 1 character, or that you need a rogue to help with theivery checks, re-enter the dungeon with 2 characters, or play with a friend.



(a) Gravehound


Roll d6 the determine the location of the Gravehound (refer to map).

After you have defeated the Gravehound view:




noteGametip: All rooms are lit unless otherwise specified



(1) Faint tracks on the stone tiles
(2) Collapsed corridore roof
(3) Reinforced wooden door

Choose a root action

1) Examine object (1):


2) Examine object (2):

a) Search object(2) Result


3) Examine object (3):

i) Search for trap on Object(3) Result
ii) Disable trap on Object(3) Result

b) Unlock Object(3) Result
c) Bash Object(3) Result


4) Return to the Preparation Chamber


Choose the result of your chooses above:

result 1