D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Ruins

You have successfully felled The Atrosity.


Campaign Ending - Success

The Atrosities inanimate body falls to the ground in a lifeless heap with a thud. You regain your breath as you look around the now, silent room. A gushing sound erupts from The Atrosities collection of limbs and body parts and a black shadow springs forth, and begins to coalesce. You watch as Zhalathian forms in front of you.

With lightning speed, Zhalathian extends a tendril of shadow out that penetrates your chest. You cannot move, no matter how hard you try. The pain is excruciating. Your weapon falls to the ground as you claw at your chest in agony.

You begin to hear quiet whispers. You find your own thoughts become quieter as the whispers get louder. The cries and screams of children begin to dance through your mind. You fight with all of your strength but you are restrained, and nothing you do can make it stop. You remember the Dreamshard in your pocket, but you feel as though you no longer have control over your own body, and your arms no longer respond to your commands. The cascading voices of Zhalathian merge into one voice and a menacing laugh enters your head.

There is no start or end to his words; they swell and merge together. But you can comprehend the sentences.
Zhalathian : “Well done servant, you have done well to answer my call. You have passed all of the tests that I have put before you. You are a worthy subject to carry forth my will. Shadow shall rule these lands and you will be the instrument of its defeat. You will carry my plans to their end. Answer it. You cannot resist the dark cold void, it calls to you. Fall. Give in to its descending embrace. ”

His words are like a vice, clamped tightly around your mind, no amount of fighting can stop them. You cannot ignore them. You fall to your knees holding your skull in pain. Your vision starts to darken. And you feel the sensation of falling downwards. You are between worlds.

Zhalathian: “You see the void. Embrace my realm’s dark beauty!”
Your vision slowly fades to black as you realize, you are defeated.

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