D&D Solo Adventures

Whitebirch Ruins

You have walked into the basement of Whitebirch Fortress Ruins.

Terrain Layout

download Download: Whitebirch Basement Boss Encounter full size map.

Room Description

As you walk through the door, the first thing you notice is a...tower, of human body parts, sawn together in a roughly human shape. There are 3 childrens heads sawn at the neck. You see a man crouched on the floor with his back turned to you, covered in blood and mumbling to himself. You listen closely and hear him say: "I know master, they are here. Grant your powers to me master and I will destroy them!". A menacing shrill echos throughout the room. A thin dark tendril snakes its way out of a grate hole in the middle of the room and skewers the towering atrosity. Immediately the butchered pile of body parts begins to rise as one. The 3 childrens heads turn to you and stare, sending a shiver down your spin. The crazed man stands to his knees and looks at you directly. From what you can tell, he looks as though he is in his early 20's. He is wearing a tattered, blood soaked blacksmiths apron. Immediately. you remember where you have seen him before. It is Danath, the blacksmiths missing son. You also see the dark amulet hanging from his neck. He has been possesed by the spirit of Zhalathian.

He walks over to the massive hulk and runs a hand over one of its arms affectionately.In an unfamiliar and menacing voice the man says: " You will fail hero. Dragonshore is ours. The final bastion has fallen. Your beloved are slain. Your struggle has come to an end." Zhalathian's words weaken your resolve. You hastly draw your weapon.



a) Hulking Child Atrosity (Zombie Hulk, mm4e pp 275)
b) Danath (Human Bandit, mm4e pg 162)


Room Features - It costs two movement points to enter and exit the raised center square in the middle of the room, or any square containing crates. There are 4 supporting pillars. You can not enter these squares. Crates and the pillars provide cover. The raised square in the center of the room does not provide cover. There is a large section of the rear wall (marked (3) on the map) that has collasped, leading to zhalathian's lair. A black transparent film protects the lair from intruders.

Hulking Child Atrosity - When a player first strikes the atrosity, read the following:

Random Enemies - At the start of every 3rd round (3, 6, 9, 12 etc) roll a d6. If the result is 1, a Specter (mm4e pg244) spawns in the center of the room (place it on one of the four squares occupied by the drainhole). If the result is 2, 3, or 4, a Zombie Rotter (mm4e pg274) arises in the center of the room (place it on one of the four squares occupied by the drainhole). If the result is 5 or 6, nothing happens.

Round 3 - (Roll Dice)
Round 6 - (Roll Dice)
Round 9 - (Roll Dice)
Round 12 - (Roll Dice)
Round 15 - (Roll Dice)
Round 18 - (Roll Dice)
Round 21 - (Roll Dice)
Round 24 - (Roll Dice)


The Atrosity will attack the PC's head on using zombie smash whenever available. Danath will seek cover and attack with range.

After Combat

If you are victorious in this encounter goto result 1. If you have failed goto result 2.



Result 1

Result 2