D&D Solo Adventures
Tanglewood Grove (Southwest)
Gametip: Tanglewood Grove is part of the Keeper Of The Grove quest.
Gametip: Tanglewood Grove is an open area. Start positions will therefore not be given.
Terrain Layout
Download: Tanglewood Forest - Area 1 Map
When you first enter the grove read: You are walking along a narrow dirt track. The forest that surrounded you so closely before has now opened up into a lush grove. The air is much warmer here then in the forest area you just left.
If you have entered the area via Tanglewood Forest your characters appear at the bottom of the map (near object 5).
Area Description
There are two gigantic oak trees in this area, their branches join together and stretch out in all directions creating a canopy over the entire area. Considering there isnt much sunlight coming through the canopy, the grove is bright and lively. A narrow rocky stream gently flows between to the 2 oak trees and underneath a small wooden bridge. Surrounding the grove is a ring of trees and jungle-like foliage. The color of the entire area has a hint of red to it, even the air seems to have a slight red hue. This effect makes the area look like it is in the middle of autumn.
Blue Squares: Rocky stream around 1 foot deep. (Difficult Terrain)
Textured Light Grey Squares: Dirt path (Standard terrain)
Brown Rectangle: 3x2 square, wooden bridge (standard Terrain)
2x2 Squares: The huge trunks of the great oak trees. These are outlined with an orange square. (Impassible Terrain).
Gametip: Tanglewood grove is a square shaped area, divided into 4 parts, like so:

1) A small wooden bridge.
2) A Sign Post
3) Tanglewood Grove (Northwest)
4) Tanglewood Grove (Southeast)
5) Path leading south to Tanglewood Forest
Choose a root action:
1) Examine the Wooden Bridge (You must be adjacent to an object to examine it): 
2) Examine the Sign Post (You must be adjacent to an object to examine it): 
3) Travel North: Tanglewood Grove Northwest
4) Travel East: Tanglewood Grove Southeast
3) Travel South: Tanglewood Forest