D&D Solo Adventures
Tanglewood Grove (Southeast)
Terrain Layout
Download: Tanglewood Forest - Area 2 Map
Area Description
This area shimmers with a red hue like the other areas of the grove. A very small cottage with a thatched roof stands at the end of a dirt path. This corner of the grove is very quiet. There are almost no sounds of animals. Even the wind seems to has lost its rustling.
Brown Rectangle: 3x3 squares, Thatched Cottage.
1) A small thatched roofed wooden cottage
2) West to Tanglewood Grove Southwest
3) North to Tanglewood Grove Northeast
Choose a root action:
1) Examine the cottage: 
1a) Knock on cottage door: a)
2) Travel West: Tanglewood Grove Southwest
3) Travel North: Tanglewood Grove Northeast
Choose the result of your chooses above: